We’ve done this more than once, on a massive scale.
We’re raising $2.75m to build and launch a massively-needed piece of tech that’s going to change how the world responds to disasters.
Once the tech is built, taking it to market is simple, and the media will amplify it, constantly, for free. Everything you need to know is below:
Our blockchain and our app
We’re building Uber for Disaster Response. Yes, like Uber the driving app. The key difference being, is that while Uber’s for drivers, we’re for Disaster Volunteering; Rescue, Relief & long term Recovery. The best part is, this isn’t some epic, utopian concept, we’ve done this before, at scale, and it works. Not only does it work, we lead the response in every disaster we jump into – by piecemealing existing tech, and that needs to end today. Because it’s unscalable and inefficient.
The backbone of this app, is our blockchain. One that issues an array of merit-based and financial rewards to those who respond to requests in our app, similar to how Uber simply pays you.
The problem we face, is we have neither the App, nor the chain – yet. This is where you come in.
For the blockchain, and the app
First you have to understand what we’ve done before now, and why the app and chain are critical if we’re ever going to do this again. Before now, we’ve had to piece together the useful parts of a dozen different apps to make large-scale disaster response work, one app for dispatch, one app for spreadsheets, 2 or more apps for mapping, 2 or more apps for donations (donations that are a headache to distribute to thousands of people) one or more website to host the info (different per crisis), and even with all of that, we didn’t have half of what we needed to streamline things, and make the large-scale response efficient for everyone involved. It’s like trying to run Uber with no app, and just a few manual-dispatch people, a dozen apps, tons of mappers and on the ground volunteers, and an out-of-control excel sheet – imagine that 24/7/365 everywhere on earth – sound insane? That’s because it is. It’s also how the taxi industry was run (only on a local level) before Uber ironically enough, opened up the industry to everyone on a global scale. The ld-ways might work in 1 place at a time, but the old ways aren’t scalable, or efficient.
To build out and launch the blockchain and our gas and main governance coin we need to raise $1.1m ($1m of that is base liquidity for our coins) The remaining $100k is to maintain the chain for 24 months. The other $1.65m is to build out the app that’ll link to our chain, and then take it to market. You can read about the chain here, the gas coin here, and the main governance coin here.
When the tech is ready, going to market is simple, the truth is we're taking water into the desert
With a waitlist of hundreds of thousands of people ready to use the app from afar or on the ground in a crisis, and social media, and mainstream media partners ready to get the word out, we simply launch it in any disaster zone we choose. And yes, if you missed it we did say “use the app from afar during a crisis” because unlike Uber, where you have to be local to use the app, our app also makes use of digital volunteers to map infrastructure and emergent needs inside of each disaster zone (don’t worry there’ll be training ahead of our launch), things like emergency shelters and available beds, pop-up medical facilities, places for emergency food and water resources, and even open gas stations all need to be mapped not only for our responders, but for the general public inside that disaster zone. The beauty of our app too, is that everyone can use it, from Harry your neighbor and grassroots organizations, to the local Fire Rescue folks or the Coast Guard. Read more about the specifics around Digital, and Hands-on use for individuals, organizations and government, here.
The constant news cycle, directs everyone to our app during a crisis
We’re not just water in the desert when people need info and help, we’re how everyone can plug in and help from anywhere on earth, and the media will direct people to use us as a result, which is what our experience is in the 3 times we’ve done this already responding to 4 of the worst 10 disasters in US history. Every time we’re used, we can count on literally any and all forms of media to get the word out for us. The budget for marketing is $0, because the work we all do together – is the marketing itself. Every time there’s a crisis, 24/7/365, anywhere on earth.
Thanks for reading,
Danny McGlashing – Founder of People Powered | Join our Waitlist and get $5 in Purpose Coin when our app goes live. Rewards are limited to the first 20,000 successful signups.
The Allowlist is opening the week of July 4th – Receive (for free) our first batch of mined coins & tokenized governance points (ahead of the team & public) by holding a Founder’s NFT at launch. Founder’s NFTs come in 3 tiers, with different size drops to holders. Click on the NFTs below to see what’s included with each NFT.
First: We’ve done this more than once, on a massive scale.
Second: We’re raising $2.75m to build and launch a massively-needed piece of tech that’s going to change how the world responds to disasters.
Once the tech is built, taking it to market is simple, and the media will amplify it, constantly, for free. Everything you need to know is below:
Our blockchain and our app
We’re building Uber for Disaster Response. Yes, like Uber the driving app. The key difference being, is that while Uber’s for drivers, we’re for Disaster Volunteering; Rescue, Relief & long term Recovery. The best part is, this isn’t some epic, utopian concept, we’ve done this before, at scale, and it works. Not only does it work, we lead the response in every disaster we jump into – by piecemealing existing tech, and that needs to end today. Because it’s unscalable and inefficient.
The backbone of this app, is our blockchain. One that issues an array of merit-based and financial rewards to those who respond to requests in our app, similar to how Uber simply pays you.
The problem we face, is we have neither the App, nor the chain – yet. This is where you come in.
For the blockchain, and the app
First you have to understand what we’ve done before now, and why the app and chain are critical if we’re ever going to do this again. Before now, we’ve had to piece together the useful parts of a dozen different apps to make large-scale disaster response work, one app for dispatch, one app for spreadsheets, 2 or more apps for mapping, 2 or more apps for donations (donations that are a headache to distribute to thousands of people) one or more website to host the info (different per crisis), and even with all of that, we didn’t have half of what we needed to streamline things, and make the large-scale response efficient for everyone involved.
It’s like trying to run Uber with no app, and just a few manual-dispatch people, a dozen apps, tons of mappers and on the ground volunteers, and an out-of-control excel sheet – imagine that 24/7/365 everywhere on earth – sound insane? That’s because it is. It’s also how the taxi industry was run (only on a local level) before Uber ironically enough, opened up the industry to everyone on a global scale. The ld-ways might work in 1 place at a time, but the old ways aren’t scalable, or efficient.
To build out and launch the blockchain and our gas and main governance coin we need to raise $1.1m ($1m of that is base liquidity for our coins) The remaining $100k is to maintain the chain for 24 months. The other $1.65m is to build out the app that’ll link to our chain, and then take it to market. You can read about the chain here, the gas coin here, and the main governance coin here.
When the tech is ready, going to market is simple, the truth is we're taking water into the desert
With a waitlist of hundreds of thousands of people ready to use the app from afar or on the ground in a crisis, and social media, and mainstream media partners ready to get the word out, we simply launch it in any disaster zone we choose.
And yes, if you missed it we did say “use the app from afar during a crisis” because unlike Uber, where you have to be local to use the app, our app also makes use of digital volunteers to map infrastructure and emergent needs inside of each disaster zone (don’t worry there’ll be training ahead of our launch), things like emergency shelters and available beds, pop-up medical facilities, places for emergency food and water resources, and even open gas stations all need to be mapped not only for our responders, but for the general public inside that disaster zone.
The beauty of our app too, is that everyone can use it, from Harry your neighbor and grassroots organizations, to the local Fire Rescue folks or the Coast Guard. Read more about the specifics around Digital, and Hands-on use for individuals, organizations and government, here.
The constant news cycle, directs everyone to our app during a crisis
We’re not just water in the desert when people need info and help, we’re how everyone can plug in and help from anywhere on earth, and the media will direct people to use us as a result, which is what our experience is in the 3 times we’ve done this already responding to 4 of the worst 10 disasters in US history. Every time we’re used, we can count on literally any and all forms of media to get the word out for us. The budget for marketing is $0, because the work we all do together – is the marketing itself. Every time there’s a crisis, 24/7/365, anywhere on earth.
The Allowlist is opening the week of July 4th – Receive (for free) our first batch of mined coins & tokenized governance points (ahead of the team & public) by holding a Founder’s NFT at launch. Founder’s NFTs come in 3 tiers, with different size drops to holders. Click on the NFTs below to see what’s included with each NFT.